Happy Holidays From PIRCHE!

December 16, 2021

Where does the time go? Just like that, another year has flown by and the festive season is upon us again.

2021 has seen us reach all-new heights as a company. The PIRCHE Academic Literature has expanded to include 40 peer reviewed articles. Similarly, our Preferred Partner plan has gone from strength to strength and has drawn in dozens of new PIRCHE users from far and wide. This year also saw the kick off of the German-Canadian NephroCAGE project. Alongside this, the EU funded project ULISES went full throttle this year. ULISES in particular represents PIRCHE’s first foray into the field of oncology, ushering in a new era for the PIRCHE technology.

We’ve also immensely enjoyed connecting with you at the various conferences that we’ve been involved with this year. Although the ongoing Corona virus pandemic has meant that our presence at these meetings has once again been virtual, we’ve nonetheless been happy to share our latest developments and interact with you all in this way.

Outside of our professional endeavours, it’s been our joy this year to support Women for Women International, an organisation that helps women from countries affected by war to learn new occupational skills and to secure a livelihood to support themselves and their families. In the festive season, the gift of giving is always the most rewarding. If you want to learn more about this organization and perhaps donate towards this worthy cause, you can follow this Link to learn more.

From all of us at PIRCHE, thank you again for your support during this past year. We’ve seen PIRCHE grow by leaps and bounds in 2021 and we’re already looking forward to continuing our journey with you in the year ahead.

Until then, happy holidays and happy matching!


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