Kidney Disease: The Patient Journey

March 30, 2022

PIRCHE is a proud member of the NephroCAGE consortium. The NephroCAGE project is a joint German-Canadian venture with the aim of developing a learning AI System that will be used to predict kidney transplant outcomes in advance and with more accuracy than ever before. This serves the overall goals of reducing many of the risks associated with kidney transplants and preventing organ damage.

In addition to developing this cutting edge AI system, a further objective of the project is to provide news, information and guidance to the general public around the topic of kidney disease and its treatments, including dialysis and kidney transplantation. The latest NephroCAGE News Article is the first part of a series that profiles the journey of two patients dealing with kidney failure and provides deep insights into the associated signs, risks and treatments for all forms of the disease. The article provides an excellent starting point for understanding kidney disease and its various implications and we highly recommend that you click through using the Link provided and give it a read.

To stay up to date with the latest NephroCAGE news, regularly check the NephroCAGE News Page or follow our newsletters and LinkedIn posts for interesting NephroCAGE related updates!

All the best and happy matching


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